The Pfaff 1212 I picked up a little over a year ago (link: Pfaff 1212) had an issue with the thread spool pin bracket. The plastic piece that supported the metal spool pins was broken into several pieces. I could have purchased a new bracket for $13 on eBay but decided to try my hand at whittling one from a piece of surplus cutting board plastic. After all, where's the fun in buying something when you can make it? And besides, buying the bracket would have more than doubled the investment I would have in this sewing machine...
Monday, November 30, 2020
Monday, November 23, 2020
Brown & Sharpe No. 21 Machinists Vise
This Brown & Sharpe vise came with the South Bend 11" lathe (click here) I recently acquired. The vise is more suited to milling machine work but somehow it ended up hitching a ride with the lathe. The saying, "It has seen better days" is an understatement.