Friday, February 1, 2013

No, it's not junk. Truck full of sewing machines.

Ok, this next photo may look to most onlookers like a load headed to the nearest recycling station. Not so. This is my latest treasure brought home from afar.

Someone I recently sold a sewing machine to emailed to inform me of a Craigslist ad for 12 sewing machines (we sewing machine connoisseurs watch out for each other). It sounded like a good deal, so with some encouragement from my wife (she's the best), I called the phone number in the ad. Imagine the feeling in my gut when the guy said someone was on his way to look at the machines. Two hours later though, he called back and said the first person passed (something about his wife not wanting him to bring home a bunch of junk (hmm, not a good sign)). And by the way, there were 13 machines, not 12. Cool. At least it was only 40 miles away. So an hour or so later we had a pickup full of sewing machines. Here they are, in no particular order.

JC Penney model 6940A

White "Jeans Machine" model 1077

M/W (Montgomery Ward) 21 Jewel Supreme Automatic ZigZag

Adler model 153A

Home Mark model 400 DeLuxe Automatic

Keystone model 98

New Home (Janome) model 270 Streamliner

Singer model CG-550 C (CG - commercial grade (don't think so))

Singer model 66-1 Treadle

Singer model 185K

Singer model 401A

White Rotary model 43

Pfaff model 30

Singer model 15-125

I didn't pay much attention to what I was getting since I just wanted to get the whole batch loaded in the truck and back home before bedtime, but once we got home and I unloaded the machines into the basement, I did a head count and came up with 14. Even cooler.

Apparently last summer this guy picked up 300 machines from someone that hoarded them in a storage unit and she needed to get rid of them quickly, so this guy got the lot, plus a pile of accessories and other assorted stuff. He then sold a bunch to someone in Shelton (I'm thinking it is this person:, and he also took a load to the local Goodwill. I would have loved to get the whole lot from him but that would have been quite overwhelming. Another interesting note, some guy from Auburn that we bought a Singer 319 from I think also was wanting the whole mess but he showed up 10 minutes too late, after the Shelton person made the deal.

Many of these machines are missing small things like needle clamps, feet, motor controls, hooks, and bobbin cases. Oh, and the Adler timing belt is not much more than rubber pulp and a few fibers. It was still a good deal though. But now I really have my work cut out for me.


jgladden said...

My my! This would have made my day, no, my year! Great score. Enjoy!

The Frugal Prepper said...

On the keystone model 98, do you know what the dial on the back of the machines by the double spool holder does?

Krysti said...

If you should happen to have an extra kneed pedal that fits a Universal like the one shown here, I'm looking for a replacement knee pedal.

Unknown said...

I have that same White Jeans Machine (Model 1077) - I bought it new in 1985. It's been serviced a couple of times, but the belt needs replacing and I can't find one. The last service guy couldn't find one either so put a tension wheel and a longer belt on. That did not fix the slipping. Any idea where someone could get a belt???

sewingmachinenut said...

Hopefully someone can chime in with a solution. I'm afraid I don't know.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Im in California though, sorry, i wasnt quite paying attention.

Erin said...

I recently found the same Keystone Model 98. I've been trying to find the right bobbin case for it but I can't figure out which type to get. Could you possibly take a photograph of the bobbin so I can see which type to use?

Kathy said...

Is the singer cg550c machine available for sale?

sewingmachinenut said...

Sorry, it's long gone.

Unknown said...

Hello sewing machine lover. Ok so im really frustrated because i just want to make beautiful things but im not very knowledgeable about sewing machine. Im a new sewer and im tired of fighting with my machine. And im saddened when ppl tell me they just tossed a old sewing machine cause im a historian and would love to preserve thos craft that os slowly disappearing. Any way i just want to know what machines are réliable and derible so i can learn it and create things to make ppl as well as my self smile. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. And your eccentric not crazy lol. Thanks Dawn Rose Maroe Ryder. Lake charles louisianna

sewingmachinenut said...

I think I'm a little less eccentric these days, as I've sold off most of my collection. As for a reliable and durable machine, I would recommend any cast iron Kenmore from the late 50s/early 60s, or Singer, New Home (or most Japanese) from the same era. They are all pretty well built and should last several lifetimes. And frankly, the Kenmores from the 70s/80s (385-series plastic outer shell) hold up well also. We bought one in the 80s and our daughter now has it.

Unknown said...

Hello im looking for someone who might be able to tell me alittle bit about a sewing machine that belonged to my grandmother. Its a singer 270 newhome qith cabinet

LADave said...

My wife has a Universal Model 98 which appears to be the same machine. According to the owner's manual that's the "reverse stitch adjustment lever",

LADave said...

Did anyone send you a pic of the bobbin case? My wife has a Universal Model 98 which appears to be the same machine. I'm trying to find a "walking foot" for hers, any idea what might work?

TN said...

I have a complete and functioning Universal 98 with accessories and manual but am at a loss whether or I should keep it or part it out as finding parts is so difficult and I don’t sew much anymore myself.

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