Friday, November 14, 2014

Elna Carina - Together at last!

I had left this poor Elna apart long enough. Time to get all its bits back in place. If I can remember where they all go. The first photo below is the shot that I showed in the previous blog post. I had taken the machine apart to this level to try and sort out a slow-speed jerkiness but didn't get the problem sorted. It's just a minor inconvenience, so back together it goes.

After about an hour, it was back in one piece and running again.

This machine has a very nice mechanism that raises the machine above the main surface for free arm work, so it must have at one time been mounted in a cabinet or table.

Here are a couple shots of the mechanism linkage. Not much to see but it's all well-made with bronze bushings as pivot points.

This machine has a date stamp of Sep. 1983, which pretty much nails down the time frame it was made.

Made in Switzerland. The black thing is the air tube from a bulb on the floor that you press with your foot to regulate speed. A bit odd (and probably expensive to manufacture).

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