An unwanted guest made its way into my Barracuda prior to me purchasing the car. The guest was brash enough to chew a small hole into one of the door panels.
As you can plainly see from the photo, the guest was a mouse. Mice and cars just don't seem to get along. I've had my share of dealing with mouse nests and having to clean up after them in the old cars I've worked on. Here's a photo of some mummified mouse remains I found under the console of my Sport Fury when I was redoing the carpeting in the car. Not a pleasant sight, and I wonder why they all seemed to perish in their nest inside the car.
Back to the 'Cuda panel. The first photo above is also showing the backside of the opposite panel where I was able to cut a portion of the cover material to patch the hole. The patch is the original color of the interior panels, which would have looked a whole lot better than the dark green someone chose. Here's a better shot of the patch piece:
I super-glued the patch into the hole.
Here is the panel after I painted it with Duplicolor Flat Black Vinyl and Fabric Paint (HVP106). I really like the stuff. It goes on easily, dries fast, and looks fantastic.
The patch is almost out of sight when the panel is installed but it would have looked fine even if out in the plain view. And fortunately the hole wasn't any larger or I'd have had a difficult time finding an original piece of material large enough on the backside of one of the existing panels. I could have found something usable in the basement or at the fabric store, but am glad I was able to use an original piece.
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