My Lister/Lima generator has the two usual 120-volt legs to create its 240 volts. The power meter I bought came with one current transformer, so I could only read one leg through the meter. Here is a photo of the meter:
While poking around on Amazon, I ran across another current transformer exactly like the one that came with my power meter, and it looks like this:
I didn't know if it would work to have two current transformers feeding the power meter but for $7 I was going to give it a try. I'd also read online that two transformers could be paralleled and the current would just add together, but I was still unsure if it would work with the import power meter I had.
Below is a photo of the two current transformers installed onto the supply legs.
Next came the big test. And you know what? It worked! I connected three space heaters and a hair blow dryer, drawing 47 amps and 5,550 watts. The 120-volt circuit breakers are rated at 20 amps each, so they are a bit overloaded. I only ran this load for a short while, then I turned some wattage off to further check things out.
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