Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Belco Generator Updates and a Repair

I spent the day today making stuff for the generator. The first project was a muffler. I used a small section of exhaust pipe for the main body of the muffler that I'd previously cut from the '96 F250 tailpipe when I installed a turn-down tip. I had a very large washer that I used for the backside of the muffler and I used a piece of sheet metal for the front cover that would eventually get holes drilled into it.

This next photo shows the pieces welded together and the holes drilled. I freehanded some scribe lines to mark hole locations.

Another view of the muffler.

All spiffed up and ready to paint.

These next two photos show the painted muffler installed.

Next I adjusted the governor to produce about 61 hertz AC, which corresponded to 116 volts.

These next few photos show the cute little Champion 8COM spark plug. It's got to be at least 50 years old, and maybe it is original to the engine.

The fuel tank bracket was bent so I straightened it out.

The next project was to make a cover for the magneto from galvanized sheet metal. I put a thin layer of grease on the raised lip of the magneto's cap that the cover needed to fit over. I then pressed a piece of cardboard onto the greased lip, which transferred a fairly good outline of the lip. I then cut the cardboard a little larger than the outline and cut the sheet metal to that size.

I found a piece of round bronze of the approximate diameter I needed that was then used as an anvil and I hammered a lip around the perimeter of the sheet metal.

The cap is surely better than nothing.

Here's the cap after paint.

The last item I made was a kill switch. I guess it's not really a switch, but just a tab that gets pushed in to ground out the magneto and stop the engine. I put electrical tape on it after this photo so I wouldn't get shocked when pushing it.

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