Saturday, August 24, 2013

Fantasia model F7500E

I picked this up a couple months back and wanted to get it cleaned and oiled so I could start using it as my everyday machine, the few times I really do use or need a sewing machine.

Off come the covers to reveal the internal workings. One nice thing about this machine is it has all metal gearing and cams. So many of this vintage started using plastic or nylon cams and gears in certain places. The hook is the oscillating type, typical of most Class 15 Japanese machines.

There is a compound intermediate pulley system to give more power.

I wonder how many people took their Fantasia to the repairman only to have the problem be a blown fuse. Most early machines did not have a fuse.

After I got the sewing machined oiled up, I noticed the "needle up" and "down" didn't work as well as it should. It would take two or three slow up-down cycles before the sewing machine stopped, and sometimes the needle would stop "down" when the switch was set to "up". I happened to glance in the base and noticed a small 'pot' (or potentiometer - screwdriver pointing to it in the photo below) and wondered if it had anything to do with this function. Happy Day, it did. I turn the pot one direction and the motor doesn't stop at all. I turn the pot the other direction and it ever-so-slowly parks in the right position. Right in the middle of the range, and the needle stops just where it should in a nice short timeframe. Woohoo.

The serial number is quite low. I wonder how many of these Fantasia machines are still floating around in the world.

Next is to see how this thing sews after I get it back together and cleaned up.


Michele said...

I own a Fantasia Model F7000, Serial No. 1298. The label on mine is "Dial N' Sew", not "Electronic," so there's no switch. It was my mother's which was given to her by a friend around 1980. I had it serviced and it runs like a charm.

Unknown said...

I have this machine many many years it runs today as good as when new very very little maintance I love it but lost my book so sad over that.

Kathy said...

I am trying to sell my Fantasia F7500E is there any interest?

Unknown said...

Does it work? What are you wanting for it? I have one (serial #2107) that belonged to my mother and I love it! It is very sturdy and runs like a champ. I have two daughters and it would be great to give each of them one.

Anna said...

I am very interested. Can you tell me how much?

DrB said...

Just picked up the Dial N Sew F7000 Fantasia. A little TLC, and it works like a charm.

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