Wednesday, August 14, 2013

New Home (Janome) Memory Craft 6000

The title sounds like one of the old Home Improvement shows where Tim the Toolman Taylor would advertise some new Binford tool.

Tim: "Hey Al, what do you suppose we could use for that new awning we need to make?"

Al: "Not sure, Tim. What did you have in mind?"

Tim: "Let's see if this New Nome Memory Craft Binford 6000 sewing machine will do the trick."

Ok, so it's a little lame. I guess that's why I'm not in Hollywood writing for these guys...

So, here we are, my lovely bride and I taking a nice drive out of the area a few days back. I'm telling her that because of the horrendous pile of sewing machines needing attention in the basement, I'm thinking I shouldn't frequent any Goodwills or thrift stores until I whittle down the inventory. She says "let's just go to this one store we haven't been to before". Ok, hon. So we stop in at the Goodwill store in South Tacoma and what do I see but a New Home Memory Craft 6000 sewing machine. I didn't know what it was at the time. I just saw another newer machine. I did notice though that it had a pink 1/2-off price tag, lowering the price to a manageable $10.

Since I could tell it was electronic to some degree, I plugged it in and tried a few rudimentary functions just to make sure I wasn't buying an ugly door stop. It did seem to work. Fast forward a few days to today. The machine looks pretty decent, so I thought I'd try some stitches. Straight stitch works. Zig zag works. On to some fancy stitches that require the feed dogs to go both forward and reverse. Nope - didn't work. I decided to pop a few covers off and see what there was to see...... The innards of this puppy haven't seen the light of day for a while, and this next photo is it's good side. I didn't get shots of the wads of lint removed from the back side.

I again tried some fancy stitches but to no avail, so I poked around inside the machine, trying to reseat every connector that I could find. And let me tell you, there were plenty.

I again tried some fancy stitches and lo, it seemed to be working, at least for now. Ok, now to try my hand at programming something. Here's what I came up with (yes, it does letters - 135 or so different stitches in all):

Hey, look, it works. And even better, I can program it to some degree. I don't have a manual for this thing but I can get by for now. Below are some more shots of interesting features of this machine. The first couple show some LEDs on the bottom that indicate something. LED 1 appears to be lit whenever the machine has been plugged in. It still glows after unplugging the machine, so it must be connected to some big capacitor inside. LED 2 comes on when the machine is on. LED 4 blinks momentarily when the power switch is flipped off. I haven't seen LED 3 come on.

Here is a shot of LEDs 1 & 2 on:

DANGER WILL ROBINSON!!!! (see below) - I'd better not even think of taking this cover off... But a label like that will only make me want to take the cover off even more.

I'm sure I'll report more on this sewing machine at some point but that's all for now.


Thin Man Sewing said...

Wow! This is a computer that happens to sew. Great find.

Teresa said...

LOL!!!! "But a label like that will only make me want to take the cover off even more." I nearly spewed my coffee all over my key board. Don't worry, when the sewing machine police come to arrest you for taking the cover off, I'll be right there along side you.

Grandmasewnsew said...

Hi! I have the same machine, bought it new and have sewn on it and loved it for... over 30 years I do believe! Hope you get all the functions to work. It is one great machine!

Unknown said...

I have this same machine. I bought it new in the early eighties. I paid $1200 which was very expensive for a machine in that time. I love it, it has never given me one problem that was not operator error. You have quite a find there, I am sure it has plenty of years left it.

Denny and Kim said...

I have just been given one of these machines with manual. I can't seem to get it to work properly, the first time I turned it on to try it out it sewed a few stitches (straight, zigzag etc 10, 11,12, 13, 14 etc) but the feed dogs didn't work. Now it seems to jamb or lock up with the needle in the down position. Any idea where to start??? How would someone clear the programming back to default??

sewingmachinenut said...

My 6000 has stopped working totally. It seems one of the stepper motor circuits has just stopped working. The same (or similar) fate may have come to your machine. I don't have any good ideas, sorry.

tims said...

Hi. my 6000. just stopped working,the light bulb comes on though when the machine turned on but it just won't run. I think it's a fuse problem . can you tell me where to locate the fuse and how to change it? thanks

sewingmachinenut said...

I don't know if this machine has a fuse. If it did, I'd guess it is on the electronics board under the machine. You may need to find a manual online to see if it calls out a fuse. Sorry I can't be more help.

Unknown said...

Remove the bottom plate from the foot controller.sand lightly with fine paper the points(lift to get paper under) and the curved contact surface.That worked for me

anyom said...

Has anyone had a problem with foot control not working when achine appears to be on and lights are on? tried new foot control and did not correct problem. Thanks

anyom said...


Pammie said...

I have owned this Machine since 1982, bought it new, still have it. It quit once, because I did not clean it in over 10 years. Took it to a authorized Janome dealer, as they make the New Home machines, had it cleaned and she sews like a dream. I love this machine. It is reliable and is one workhorse. Just bought a new Brother Laura Ashley machine, cost a bundle, but the Janome stays here too.

Unknown said...

You might check to see if one of the tiny fuses is blown. That's what happened to mine, and I was afraid it was something more serious, but it was just the fuse, which is easily replaced.

Unknown said...

Yes, it has a 125 Volt 2.5 amp fuse that is about 3/4" long. You can get replacement fuses on Amazon. You can find the fuses if you take the bottom of the machine off, and it's easy to tell if one is blown.
Your problem sounds just like mine...and it was just the fuse.

sewingmachinenut said...

Thank you Carol. I will take a look. Wouldn't that be great if it's just a blown fuse!

Toothpick said...

Just picked up this machine from Craigslist for $50. Machine was complete with all the accessories, accessory box, sewing machine case and instruction manual-- all the fancy features worked out of the box without any encouragement. Machine was in very good condition so I don't know how much it was used. Or it was used a lot but very well cared for. The motor was fast and powerful-- I was so impressed!

Unknown said...

I've misplaced the cable and foot attachment for mine so can't use it, it seems it is so old I can't find a replacement anywhere at the moment. Anyone got a suggestion, please?

Rick said...

I hope m two servicers in ATL are wrong about my dear MC6000. Plugging in and turning the switch on leaves only the light bulb on; none of the LEDs for the stitches illuminate nor does the machine operate. I hope to tinker and try the sand the foot pedal; or try locating the fuses. Any help is appreciated

Unknown said...

My MC6000 won't remember my needle down. I have to constantly press the needle down button. Everything else works great. Is this normal?

Shari said...

I have a memory Craft 6000 that I have had for years. It worked great until just recently. I took it into a repair shop and he told me that the motor that runs the feeding of the material is not working. He said you can't get a replacement part so my machine is toast. Everything else is good. Does anyone know where I can get one of these motors or another machine. Thanks

Unknown said...

I recently bought this machine from an elderly couple for my wife who likes to sew things for family and our two little ones. However, due to the elderly woman's health that we purchased it from.. we were not able to get her to show us the ins and outs. Is anyone willing to assist us in how to thread the machine for starters? My email is

Marju said...

You can get the manual online.

Marju said...

You can get the manual online.

Kathy said...

The left end of your machine is a door. Open it, and you'll find the threading instructions.

Kathy said...

The left side (end) of your machine is a door. Open it, and you'll find threading instructions.

Marie said...

I just got this machine from my sister in law. I've been playing around with the different types of stitching, which is very addicting. But I cannot figure out how to program the letters any larger? any suggestions on programming a word such as Tori?

sewingmachinenut said...

Sorry, my machine is out of commission, so I haven't messed around with it at all to know how to change letter size. Maybe someone else will chime in with an answer.

NanaBrown said...

I purchased this same sewing machine in the late eighties second hand for $400. Which was a big some of money for me to come up with back then! Divorced and raising two kids. This machine helped me earn extra money making and selling and doing repairs and alterations. She is still sewing perfectly! Just love her! You can purchase a manual on eBay that is sent to you as a digital download. I could not find my manual recently and needed a refresher on a few things. Thanks to eBay I have a digital copy of the manual on my iPad. It's over eighty pages so I don't want to print.

Annette said...

My sweetheart bought this machine as a replacement for a smashed Brother machine that made more noise than it sewed. Hands down, it is my favorite and as my daughter has discovered by moving away, it remains amazing in how versatile it remains. If only I could clone it for her in Michigan.

Unknown said...

I'm really late in replying, but just in case anyone else has the same question, the power cord for this machine is actually rather universal between many machines. Simply google replacement cord for MC6000 etc. I even saw one online at walmart. Good luck!

jetstarone said...


Gayle&Andy said...

Our Janome Memory Craft 6000 Keeps Blowing the motherboard 2.5 Amp fuse when the power switch is turned on.
Please advise how to rectify/fix this problem.

Best regards,
Gayle & Andy

Bill said...

I bought one of these for my wife, brand new in 1983. It cost £1200 in the Sewing Machine Shop, The Arcade, Bristol England, prior to us moving to Brunei. She still uses it today, not the seamstress she used to be, but still amazing performance and at the time an incredible machine.

Unknown said...

Open the door on the left above light. There is a detailed drawing how to thread machine on the inside.

Abdulkarim Nigeria said...

This is a fuse problem I have same problem both now is over

Abdulkarim Nigeria said...

It has a fuse onder, I also have same problem both now is OK

Abdulkarim Nigeria said...

This is a fuse problem

Mary Modeste Smoker said...

I've had my Memory Craft 6000 for 35 years - love it. I can't get the bobbin winder to work. when I put the empty bobbin on and move it to the right - the motor runs but the spool won't spin to load the thread.
Any help will be most appreciated.

Unknown said...

Does it contain a reserve stitch and a light and removable motor and what about lubrication

Unknown said...

Does anyone know what this machine weighs?

NanaFash said...

I am having same problem off/on. Looked at a repair video for a kenmore regarding same issue as I could not find for New Home and problem was a worn rubber ring on bobbin mechanism that. Will have to check inside my machine to see if there is a similar rubber ring that can be replaced. Just a thought.

NanaFash said...

Is it possible to lubricate the New Home Memory Craft 6000?

sewingmachinenut said...

Yes, you can lubricate the metal moving parts like a normal machine, just keep the oil off the electronics.

NanaFash said...


NanaFash said...

Opened my machine and I do believe it is a worn rubber ring as I'd noted earlier. Fiddled with the ring a bit, but did not change it out as I am not brave enough to attempt to remove it as I could not clearly figure out how to do it. It seems to be working better even after just playing with the ring a little.

CraftyMemaw said...

Have a questions for Sewingmachinenut:
I would like to say thank you for your in depth blog.
Same thing, light is on, but no body's home. I checked all the possibilities, dirt, bobbin winder, etc, etc. Even took to a "supposedly Janome Authorized Dealer". He didn't do anything but plug it in, saw no led lights on panel, flipped the bobbin winder, said it was dead. Asked him about a fuse and he said this model MC6000 didn't have a fuse, only the 8 & 9K models had fuses. Well, I already new it had one, so I didn't trust him, asked if I would like to look at a new machine..... I said no, I'll take it home, That I need a boat anchor...

I have take the bottom completely off, including the "caution" cover.... Out of the 4 LED lights on the bottom only LED 2 stays lite when turned on (red) I'm assuming this is the light bulb indicator. When machine is turned off LED 3&4 flashes then goes back to LED 2. Power off and all LEDs are out.
I also noticed on your MC6000 you have 2 fuses (side by side). Mine only has one fuse (still good) and looks like it could be a double stacker, however, it has always worked with one fuse. Also, the MB on mine, looks different than the one you show. I don't have the 2 black round things. I have a black box (approx 1"x1/2"), with the #2B 104M LHX and the fuse is above this box and 3 different circuit connector plugs.
I apologize for the lengthy explanation, but do you have any ideas, or, do I have a new anchor?
Thank you

sewingmachinenut said...

I'm sorry, but I got rid of my 6000 several years ago. I seem to recall that I kind of gave up on mine, as it was just too much flaky electronics (stepper motor I think) to try and wade through to make it work. Oh, by the way, YOU TOOK THE CAUTION COVER OFF???? You're one brave soul. Just kidding. And I'm thinking you have a new anchor. Or door stop. The sewing machine would probably work in either capacity equally well.

CraftyMemaw said...

Thank you for your response.
After writing the post, I removed the CAUTION COVER again. For some blind reason, I did not see the two fuses under the round things I thought I didn't have. 2 separate covers. Anyway, 1 fuse is blown... I'm going to repace and see what happens. I still might have a chance...

Unknown said...

Merhaba ben bu makinenin pedal yani ayağını arıyorum Türkiye'ye göndermeniz mümkün mü ? Ve kargo dahil kaç dolar yada Euro dur. Teşekkürler

sewingmachinenut said...

Google Translation: "Is it possible to send to Turkey Hi I'm looking for a foot pedal so that machine? And how many dollars or Euros including cargo. Thank you"
No, I'm sorry, I don't have a foot pedal for this machine (or the machine for that matter).

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