Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Here goes nothing

My first official blog... and it is about the ubiquitous Sewing Machine of all things. Other hobbies of mine have come and gone, so this one may or may not last. Only time will tell.

I have frequented blogs of other sewing machine aficionados online and appear to have found that I am not the only one that, at one time or another, has had an almost compulsive desire to buy practically any used sewing machine at the local thrift store. Here are a few sites I have bookmarked (hope they don't mind me putting their web addresses here):

And there are more. Plus all the Yahoo! groups. I think I've subscribed to 10 of them (ok, 13, but who's counting).

I'm sure that most people that visit this site have heard of Ed Lamoureux (Lamx), who penned the famous Phases post back in 2010 (actually 10 years prior, but posted in his blog in 2010):

I've been at this hobby for a good 5 years or more and am currently at Phase 4 (as of Jan 2, 2013) of his Phases list, although I do purchase newer machines if I think I can get my money out of them on Craigslist. I don't really have a cutoff date per se, as mentioned in Mr Lamx's post. And I still buy pretty much any brand if the price is right. I'm at the stage now though that the price for some machines had better be in the single digits before I entertain the idea of purchasing. But I've also gone as high as $150 on a machine (so far, and that doesn't count the Baby Lock embroidery machine the spousal unit picked up a few years back). Wifey does not mind too much though, since sewing machines are a far cry cheaper than my previous hobby of buying and selling mechanical watches, and both cheaper and easier to store than my previous hobby of old tractors.

Sewing machines are the perfect hobby to a tinkerer such as myself, and I am almost breaking even with purchases and sales. Of course, the amount I make for fixing/selling a machine is usually barely in the range to buy a gallon of gas, but I'm not doing this to make money.

I also have a YouTube channel in the following link that has allowed me to show how some of these old machines operate.

Bye for now.


Jonathan said...

That's a beautiful Singer 404.

Jonathan said...

I have so many sewing machines, I only buy them now if they are in great cosmetic condition. Or extremely cheap - if I need one for parts. It's surprising how many I find in terrible cosmetic condition - with nicks & scratches in the paint.

sewingmachinenut said...

Thanks, yes it is a nice 404. Not too useful but still nice.

I'm like you in the purchasing department anymore, they'd better be cheap. I did manage to find a Singer 185K yesterday for $13, portable case and all. The lamp cover needs work but I can live with that.

Jonathan said...

The Singer 404 is just missing a power cord & foot controller - correct?

sewingmachinenut said...

I recently picked up a newer Singer in a cabinet and it happened to have an extra foot control and cord set banded together with the newer machine. And get this, it was for a Singer 404. Now that was a score. My 404 is now complete.

Unknown said...

Glad to have found your blog. My local goodwill is small and rarely has sewing machines. Probably just as well as I don't have a lot
of room to spare, so by reading about your fun adventures, I save time, money and learn a couple of things. Happy blog anniversary, how this hobby lasts! Donna

sewingmachinenut said...

Wow, I didn't realize it's been a year today.I have two Goodwills and a St Vincent de Paul within 15 miles of home so they're fairly convenient (may be a good or bad thing). Thanks for your comment.

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