Friday, January 25, 2013

My very own Singer Featherweight

At last, I've acquired a Singer Featherweight. Ok, so it's not THAT Featherweight. This is a model 322, not the coveted model 221. I can at least say I own a Featherweight though...

This machine is very lightweight, and will do both straight and zig zag stitches. I would hazard a guess that it was never meant to be the only machine someone would own, but I suppose it could be for someone that only does the occasional project. It appears the machine is built to withstand normal operation for a long time, and not just some machine you'd use once and it would be toast.

See the two speed switch (at least part of it) at the bottom of the photo? Well, there's slow and fast, the only speeds you'll get from this machine, as it does not have a variable speed foot pedal. It takes standard class 15 bobbins.


Jonathan said...

This would be a great machine for a child interested in learning how to sew.

Teresa said...

Okay, #1--- I do believe I could LIVE on your blog! I do tend to be unnaturally attracted to sewing machines at garage sales, second hand stores, and craig's list postings. I'm certain one day I'll come home to find all of my girlfriends, my son, my husband, and our parish priest waiting in the living room with an intervention planned.

#2--- Thank you so much for letting me know this little gadget is a needle threader. The little wire at the top is compromised and I didn't see it. I, too, am all about the treasures that are found in the drawers and attachment boxes of these old machines.

#3-- Those vintage featherweights really might be becoming more hype than they should be. I have one here in the shop and have had it out several times to sew on it. To be honest, I'd rather sew on my other machines. It's a little on the noisy side for me I guess. I've seen them now priced as high as $1000 which is just ridiculous. $350- $500 depending on the model and condition but $1000???

Kerry said...

Can anyone tell me the value of this model? I have my mother's and would like to sell it because I don't sew.

Unknown said...

I too have one of these and i want to sell it.

Elizabeth said...

how much did yall get for your machine? im looking to buya used one. i want to compare

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