After the oiling job, I decided to see how the machine did at sewing through 8-9 ounce leather. I'd seen some videos on Youtube of people sewing leather with a domestic machine and figured what better time than now to see for myself how well it worked. Also in the last month I'd seen a seller on a popular auction site selling standard domestic sewing machines for prices quite a bit higher than what I would have guessed. My thinking is that this person can get the prices he does because the machines are marketed as industrial strength and he shows them sewing through just about everything. Another blogger also mentioned a similar realization recently. I guess I need to do better marketing to get better prices on my sales (more than my average $5 or $10 profit...)
Anyway, here is the video of this New Home 270 machine eating through heavy leather. Oh, and you'll thank me for this, it's only 3 minutes long.
Thank you for both videos, I recently inherited this exact machine and have been scouring the internet for information, and alas there isn't much out there, so thanks for the oiling instructions!
I think you'll really like your machine. This model has pleasing lines, a great color scheme, and will last forever. Thanks.
People who market old household sewing machines as "industrial strength" make my blood boil. The claim is false, misleading & just plain dishonest. Old sewing machines are durable. But just because a machine can sew through leather - doesn't mean you should. I'm dumbfounded that people who make a living sewing from home can't understand - if they need a machine strong enough to sew leather, they need to buy an industrial machine.
What kills me is - I've seen sewing machines from the 1970s (with a plastic gear in them) marketed as having industrial strength. I always hope the buyer sews heavy material with the machine, breaks the gear & returns it to the seller.
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