Monday, December 16, 2019

1960 Onan 305 CCK Quit Running - Hmm

So my fairly-new-to-me propane-fueled 3.5kw Onan CCK was purring along nicely last week when I was test running it for fun. All of a sudden it just up and died after about 20 minutes of run time. I pulled the spark plugs, which revealed there was no spark. Where do I start looking?

Monday, October 21, 2019

1953 Kohler L600 Propane Powered 3.5KW Generator - Various Projects

I've been working on my new-to-me Kohler L600-powered 3.5Kw generator. It is both hand-crank start and electric start. I much prefer hand cranking because it is just that much more satisfying to me to hand-crank an old engine to life. Only problem was, I couldn't get it to start by hand on propane unless I used a starting aid. That wouldn't do. Nope, not at all.

Fortunately I ran across a photo of a propane mixer on a guy's generator that is the same as mine. Well, almost the same. These next two photos are of a piece from his propane mixer and the same piece out of my mixer:

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How Many Generators Is Too Many..... Oh, Wait.

I guess I already titled a blog post with those "How Many" words. But wait, there's more, as the TV commercial says. Yes, since that posting, I've acquired two, yes two, more generators. Another green Onan and a blue Kohler.

Monday, October 14, 2019

1969 Cub Cadet Model 105 Hydrostatic Drive Garden Tractor - Part 2

Grab a warm cup of cocoa, sit down in your favorite chair, pull a warm blanket over yourself, and get comfortable. This may take a while.

I had no idea it would be so difficult to get a small engine crankshaft reground. I took my crankshaft to the local NAPA machine shop, the only place locally that does this sort of thing, and left in their capable hands.....

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Current Transformers In Parallel - Lister Generator

My Lister/Lima generator has the two usual 120-volt legs to create its 240 volts. The power meter I bought came with one current transformer, so I could only read one leg through the meter. Here is a photo of the meter:

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Old Hobbies Die Hard - Pfaff 1212 Garage Sale Find

I thought I was doing pretty well in keeping my sewing machine purchases pretty much non-existent lately, now that I'd cleaned out the basement of 100-something sewing machines. Alas, a garage sale did me in. The sticky note on the sewing machine said, "Needs Service $15." I'm a sucker for a good deal, and even more of a sucker for a good deal that needs some tinkering.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

1969 Cub Cadet Model 105 Hydrostatic Drive Garden Tractor - Part 1

I purchased this 1969 Cub Cadet garden tractor in 2011 from a good friend who had purchased it used in 1972. They put it to good use up until the time I got it. It was garage-kept throughout their ownership, so it was in fairly good overall condition, including original paint on the hood and most of the body/frame. The seat also looks like it is original to the tractor. A rear-mounted Model 1 rototiller came with the package. The seller was in her late 60's when she finally decided to part with her baby.

Friday, July 5, 2019

How Many Generators Is Too Many?

When I bought my big diesel generator last month (click here), I had no idea what it would start. I have a Generac 5000 watt generator that I'd use during power outages, as it was 120/240 volt, but I also had buried in the depths of my garage two ancient Onan generators of the 120 volt variety. These old generators worked but they weren't powerful enough to run the things in the house, thus the Generac (and more recently, the diesel Lister). Once I started tinkering with the Lister, it got me thinking more about the old Onans, so a few days ago I un-buried them, dragged them out of their cozy hole, and hoped they still ran. Both generators are rated at 2500 watts.

Here's one:

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Lister Generator Fuel Dipstick

The fuel tank on my Lister generator has a fuel gauge sender but no gauge is present on the generator. Turning to that age-old standby, the dipstick, I decided I'd make one out of a steel rod. A rusty steel rod to be more precise.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Lister Generator - Making A Camshaft Extension Safety Guard and Repairing The Air Cleaner Stud

The old Lister workshop manual I found online showed a guard for the camshaft extension that pokes out the front of the engine. I thought that was a very good piece of gear to be at the top of my list of things to do to this generator. Here's the finished product:

Friday, June 7, 2019

Lister Generator - New Electrics

When I got this old Lister generator, it was wired for 3-phase, and it didn't have much in the way of overload protection. The previous owner said the generator came off a boat, and I'm thinking it was a commercial vessel of some sort, as the generator is quite loud. The outlets on it were also on the sketchy side.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Lister Generator Hand-Start Crank Handle

It didn't take long for me to decide to attempt to make a starting handle for my new generator. I looked online and saw that the handles are still being sold in the UK, where Lister engines were originally manufactured. It would probably be $60 or $70 to have one shipped to my door so I figured it wouldn't be too terribly difficult to make a handle. And, bingo, here's a photo of the finished product:

Lister ST3A Diesel Generator

I picked up a new toy. Most folks probably wouldn't consider it a toy, but to me it's something to play with. Ok, maybe "tinker with" is more accurate than "play with". The new acquisition is a 15KVA/12KW 3-phase diesel generator. The engine is a Lister 3-cylinder air-cooled direct-injected diesel of about 21 horsepower at 1800 RPM.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Shoe Mender / Leather Stitching Machine

Several days ago someone who's channel on Youtube I'm subscribed to posted a video of a leather stitching machine he bought for $115. If you're interested in watching the video, here is a link (Chris Zeppieri of Make Everything):
Leather Stitching Machine

Intrigued, I went on Amazon and started doing a bit of research into these interesting machines. Well what do you know, there they are, with many different names and prices. I happened to find one for $99 plus a 5% discount, totaling $102 and change including tax (free shipping). After a week or so of patiently waiting, it arrived today on the UPS truck. Below is a photo after I assembled the contraption.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

1966 Barracuda Clutch Z-Bar Installation

Continuing with the Z-bar refurbishment, I purchased some new bushings, clips and seals for the Z-bar from Brewer's (seals aren't in the photo), a company that specializes in MoPar manual transmissions. The parts were about $40 shipped to my PO box.

Friday, February 1, 2019

1966 Barracuda Clutch Z-Bar Repair

I just couldn't seem to get the clutch in my Barracuda adjusted right. I'd push the clutch pedal to the floor and there was still a little resistance in the shifter handle when shifting into gear, which meant to me that the clutch wasn't releasing fully. It was almost there but not quite. And I had the adjusting rod to the point that the throwout bearing was just clear of the pressure plate fingers when the clutch pedal was all the way released. Another issue was when I released the clutch, there sometimes would be quite the shudder. Something just wasn't right. So I delved into the problem, and found that the Z-bar had a lot of play in it. And it had been repaired at some point in its past.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

More PETG Printer Settings

Something doesn't look right in this photo. I just can't put my finger on it.....

Monday, January 21, 2019

3D Printing With PETG

When I bought my 3D printer I knew I wanted to print with something more durable and heat-resistant than PLA. PETG was the obvious choice, as that was what many folks on the internet said was becoming the new PLA. One very real downside with PETG though was the fact that it was a lot more finicky to print with. The first photo below shows how a skirt came out, not sticking to the bed at all.

The next photo shows the globby infill.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Can You Say, "Layer Shifting"?

Yeah, I'd never heard the term before either. Apparently it's a thing with 3D printers.

Monday, January 14, 2019

My Very Own 3D Printer - WooHoo!

My dear wife got me a 3D printer for Christmas. She let me pick out what I wanted, and I went with a Creality CR-10S Pro. Here's my first try at making something, some soft jaws for my Columbian 603 vise:

Thursday, January 10, 2019

1994 E350 Club Van PCU Fix

Our church van's engine recently started missing occasionally, so I delved into the problem to see what I could find out. It's a 1994 van with the 5.8L (351 cu-in) engine, and has only 95,000 miles on it. First thing I noticed was that the Check Engine light wasn't on, which means the van didn't know there was a problem. Hmm. So on to the internet. One thing I noticed when researching was that it was a fairly common problem. People would replace a myriad of parts, only to have the issue persist. Among the parts people would replace would be spark plugs and wires, cap, rotor, coil, distributor, Ignition Control Module, fuel pump, fuel filter, along with vacuum leak checks, fuel injector cleaning, and so on. Wow. I wasn't about to go down all those rabbit holes. Well OK, so I did replace the cap and rotor, but they were well pitted and corroded anyway, so it was a good idea. Anyway, where to start? Not much room under that hood, is there.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Angle Grinder Flap Disc Modification

I've got an old 4-1/2 inch angle grinder from Harbor Freight that just keeps on chugging away. It has a 5/8-inch arbor and most discs these days seem to be made for a 7/8-inch arbor. Fortunately it should be an easy fix to get discs with a larger hole to work with my grinder. I figure I'll just put a 7/8" diameter shoulder on the round nut to hold the larger-holed discs, and just flip the nut over to use smaller-holed discs.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Sheldon 11-Inch Lathe Reversing Tumbler Repair - Again - Arg!

Sigh. Sometimes old machinery is a bit of a bother. Take for instance my Sheldon 11-inch metal lathe from 1941. I got it a year ago and the lead screw reversing tumbler casting was broken. It had been repaired previously any number of times but was broken again by the time I bought it. I fixed it shortly after I got it but noticed when the left quick-change gear selector was in position B, the gearbox would lock up tight. I looked into the issue a few weeks ago and found what the problem was. A pin inside the gearbox was too long, which would contact a gear when the pin came rotating around. I didn't want to pull the gearbox off so I tried to reach in with a cold chisel and knock off the end of the pin. I was somewhat successful, or so I thought. I rotated things by hand and the problem seemed to disappear. I put the lathe in gear, turned it on, and it seemed to run fine too. Shut it off, turn it on, shut it off, turn it on, shut it off. Cool, it's working. Turn it on again and whang! The braze broke. Again. Sigh.